• Location

    EPIC Church International
  • Life Stage

    Woman, Men
  • Type

  • Childcare Provided?

  • Date/Time

    Thursday at
  • Recurrence

  • Facilitator

    Gerzon Cajina
  • Contact

    Contact Group Facilitator

Whether you are new to the faith or have been a believer for years, your participation in evangelism can significantly impact your life and those you reach. Equipping individuals to share their faith is fundamental to Christian discipleship and evangelism. Our mission is rooted in more than just delivering a message; it is about making a connection, fostering understanding, and engaging with others in a way that is both respectful and heartfelt. We warmly invite you to join us! It is an opportunity to learn effective ways to share your beliefs and become part of a supportive community. Join us in this vital mission and discover the joy and impact of sharing the message of Jesus Christ.